Security & Availability
Always At the Forefront
Today, every employee expects 24/7, immediate access to email no matter where they are or from what device they’re using (not to mention, most people require email collaboration on more than one single device).
This has given hackers the access they need to cause unprecedented damage to your company with very little effort, as they’ve learned how to sneak malicious emails through many of the email protection walls that have been erected.
The Old Way of Protecting
Your Email Doesn't Cut It
Everyone is more mobile
On-site backups are no longer protected
Email attacks have become more frequent
Email attacks are more sophisticated now
Business is increasingly dependant on email
Sensitive data is stored in email
Sensitive data is shared through email
Proven Success Through
Developed Process
Need Identification Through Process Learning
Solution Development Catered to Specific Environment
Implementation Without the Hassle
Easy-to-access & Knowledgeable Support